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    Hi large AWAWA Dongo!

    Age 49, Male

    Being a Shoota

    Woota Poopa Academy

    New Wootas-Shire

    Joined on 7/28/10

    Exp Points:
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    So, hays the thing.
    As far as the jerk girl (and all future interactions with her kind) goes, here are a few helpful hints:
    1. Don't take it too seriously, and try to LULZ it off. For example, instead of walking away, be like "O LOL, MY BAD GURL!!!!!! LOLOLOL" This diffuses the tension and allows both parties to feel calm.
    2. Don't 100% ignore the situation. You must address it in one way or another. (Observation: #1 is one such way.)
    3. Again, don't take it too seriously. The wiggo was just kidding. She probably didn't think twice about it and/or won't remember it.

    Other comments:
    I LUL'D AT THE BUNDA REFERENCES! Hehehe. Also, I know what you mean about the awards. At first I was "endeared as hell" but now I don't give a bull. Fun fact: awards do get significantly more difficult to get by the end of high school. Meaning, when you apply for college scholarships, you actually have to be a legitimate alabasta to win it! Writing skills (along with GPA and extracurricz) are a huge part of it, and the actual award usually means money! Anywhere from $500-$100,000+! ADO! Remember my award ceremony? hehe

    Fun Activity: Try to come up with summer plans... before abu does! ADO

    Mhmm. I regret not doing anything, but I was already walking too fast. I wasn't really paying attention so I couldn't respond in time. It was truly a split-second decision!

    I'm just bulling, but I can't be like that! I can't say "sorry" or "excuse me" without sounding awkward. But alas, I will next time.

    Kidding? I doubt it. She was genuinely angry. I would've noticed if she was bulling around. And don't worry, I immediately shrugged it off. I decided to rant about it anyways because of how mad she got.


    I realize that they will gain meaning as time goes on... And yet... I can only wait...


    Hmm. Summer plans... I plan on exercising like a beast about 1 week in. I may also take swimming lessons like last year.

    No, I believe that she was really pissed off. However, 5 minutes later she would've forgotten about it. I'm saying that she was just being a bully bastard who doesn't take herself seriously, and neither should you.

    Albeita, practice saying bull like "excuse me" and "sorry" and it will get better. Try not to think about it too much!

    Fun activity (optional, advanced): Greet people for practice. LOL. Say bull like "HAY HOW'S IT GOIN'?" Etc.

    I know wiggo, mainstream bimbos don't remember things.

    Oh that's bull. I mis-phrased the "awkward" thing. What I'm trying to say is that even if I say "excuse me" in a sincere way, they (bimbores) act like I'm a rude idiot.

    That's what bothers me. I don't need to greet people for practice. I am socially capable and you know that, wiggo.

    EDIT: BAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, hays the thing. You have to take one day at a time. You are a merely 3 weeks away from getting out of MONER! You do realize that you have been there for 3 YEARS, right? You realize, and yet... you don't actually realize.
    "That about sums it up. I am the quiet, weird, smart, funny guy. Not too proud of this."
    So, where's the thing? (looks around erratically) What else do you want to be? A mainstream bimbore-a? (-a for masculine) You have to be true to yourself, bastoo. You are 100x more mature than your peers. Eventually, you will people that are more like yourself rather than the mainstream bullairs. Give the bastas some time to mature.
    "UNFRIENDLY!? Unfriendly is asking someone you barely know a ton of probing questions! Who the hell does that!"
    She's being a bastard. Albeit, as I have learned from my own experiences, socialization is a skill that must be learned through practice. It is bully and counter-intuitive at times, but it is a skill nonetheless. Just as kittens and puppies need to be socialized when they are young, so do humans. Albeit, I think we were under-soalized as young wootas, and so we must go through the painful process of socializing ourselves.
    I understand that morale is low right now. My 8th grade year was the bullliest year to date! Albeit, I am lucky I had shoes. Eventually, your academic skills will be challenged and rewarded, which will give school bull a purpose. Right now it may seem pointless, but in HS - it can literally determine your future.

    More on this lata!

    P.S. Soz for the delay. College is bullin'.

    Insightful. I am taking one day at a time; it's the only way to struggle through.

    I may bull on the Archives later today. I have to take my history OCCT!

    Your soz's are on probation, albeit.

    I said SOZ damn it! A thousand times SOZ!

    Soz for not accepted your soz's!

    *accepts soz's*

    *uchals in the barish like a gutha in celebration*

    Oh hi silly GUTHA!!!!!!!!!!

    ADOOO! Hang in there alabastoo!

    So you've told me that 8th grade was the bulliest year for you to date. Please tell me why and possibly give some examples.

    Aye to the aye, artardous. You sound like you need a competent friend. I know I've mentioned it multiple times before, but I would be truly endeared if you would hang out with me this summer sometime. My only hesitation is your abu... he doesn't know me and I kind of think he doesn't want to... so I'm not sure how to get around that.

    Oh hi MuckTodd!!! Albeit, I can work around my abu.

    P.S. I made an account on here!

    *points out obvious fact and dances like a dumb shewta*

    Oh hi NG MuckTodd! Albeit, NG is inferior to Kanga in many ways. It has medals (equivalent to badges) on some of games, so you may bullaire with that if you want. Kanga is million times better IMO. I suggest you don't change your ways too much.