Welcome to the final part of 8th grade! The hell is nearly over! UPDATE - 5/18/11: It is over!
Here are years 2010 and 2011 for future reference.
The 'Status Reports' section has been abandoned, as it has become cluttered and outdated. Instead, everything will be posted here.
Morale: 78% (Pawptrawpica Boost)
Status: Dieing inside on a daily basis.
Note: Only applicable before 5/18/11
So hay's the thing... today is sat sat....
0100 hours: I have become completely dependent on this class to have time to finish my homework.
After school, I am so bulled out that I can't do it, which makes me wonder why I even bring my books home. I have since then stopped doing this, but I continue finishing HW in Hicky's class.
0200 hours: One the most boring classes ever. Fortunetly, the Tami Shami keeps us busy for most of the hour.
0300 hours: Um. Research paper... *starts* UPDATE - 4/4/11: I forgot to start this. Damn.
0400 hours: Son of a LaHanda! We've been reviewing like crazy sons of faggots for the past 1-2 weeks! (lost track of time)
The EOI and the OCCT are the two big bastards that I need to prepare for.
0500 hours: Boring and balanced.
0600 hours: Had the same seat all year... Lots of people moved... I was never one of them. I get so tired... Just thinking about it fills me with lassitude. I hate Yarholar's class. And Yarholar.
Morale: 34% (hope keeps it afloat)
Via means of this is an Intel report of Friday.
0300 hours: I totez forgot that the thesis/outline is due on Monday! I have hastily assembled some bull at the last second. Although I have been bulled, I will have my thesis. And McDonald is an arse for assigning another DBQ. Document based question. It's essentially an essay with reading, hi-lighting, and question answering.
0400 hours: The reviewing continues. I can't wait for the actual test, so I can get this arse over with.
0500 hours: Melton has done the unthinkable! She assigned a research paper of her own! What the bulling bull! However, it will be much easier in many regards. Such as: Limited # of topics (we have a pool to choose from; I picked NORMANDASIZING), shorter length (2-3 pages), fewer sources, etc.
0600 hours: So recently Yarholar approached me. She said, pointing to the name written on my paper, "Is this the name you would want on an award?" Yes, I replied. I wouldn't want my bastardly first name (which sounds bully in English) on an award.
So yeah. At the end of the year I am apparently supposed to get this lame-ass "student of the year" award (as Yarholar called it.)
On Friday, she went around getting grades and what not, on our one billion facts. Being the rebellious basta I am, I didn't do it; she doesn't take it up 90% of the time, and why does it matter? My grade won't suffer much. I only did a small portion of the work so she said something like "Omfg, Artardous! Why the hell didn't you do this!?? Don't you want the student of the year bull!?"
No Yarholar. I don't.
So hay's the thing: I don't care about superficial awards.
Over the past 3 years I have learned how generic and meaningless these "awards" are. When I first got one I was endeared as hell. But now I've accumulated 20+ awards all printed on the same kind of paper. Dime a dozen? I think so. And then everyone else in the school gets around 2-3 of these as well. This is so everyone feels "special." Gay. You need to let people know that they suck sometimes.
Also, what do these awards represent? Oppression? Busy work? Awful memories? Yes. Apart from that, they don't stand for much. Now in this scenario, Yarholar's awards stands for: facts. A year of writing facts and doing worthless assignments that us wiggos gain nothing from.
Nothing in middle school is matters; none of it is relevant to me. Finishing my pointless work that won't mean anything when I'm older is no incentive for me to get some empty award.
So that's why I'm not too excited to get an award. I feel more full-filled getting an easy badge on Konga.
Side Rant:
So on Friday, in the morning, I was walking through the hallways, getting to my locker when I bump into some random girl. Now it was an accident, so I didn't purposely do it. Hell, I don't even know who this is, a 6-7 grader probably. Then she gets all pissy.
"What the hell! You is just gonna bump into mah bag like dat!?"
*I ignore her in an effort to avoid making a scene so I just keep walking*
"OOHHHH!!!!!!!" *raises voice* "I shoulda socked him in the face!!!!! GRRRR...." *continues bitching over nothing*
She was black (and hideous) by the way.
Um. So I harmlessly bump into her bag. I didn't kill anyone.
On the other hand, I think she has a point. I may have destroyed the credit on her Swiss bank account. Or perhaps I punctured an organ that was inside of it!? Maybe I pushed a button that launched all of the world's nuclear arms!? OH NOES!
Or maybe nothing happened and it wasn't a big deal.
I see a future whore in the making.
Morale: 8% (being introspective and deep with writing because the year is about to end, hallelujah)
0300 hours: Mickee is totez cruel. We have been reveiwing like crazy for the past week or so, with another week to go.
McDonald has been merciless in his bulling tactics. He has been calling on random wiggos so much that it has re-inspired McDonald Paranoia in me! Not that he calls on me though; he prefers his plethora of leeches to choose from. But hay's the thing: I raise my hand 90% of the time and still he doesn't call me. Then he says something like: "OMFG guys. We. Do. Not. Have. The. Time for this! We have, like, a bloody week of reviewing and that's it! If you're not raising your hand then I assume that you don't know."
But Mickee! I do know! Pick me!
What the bull!? I know that I don't raise my hand as high as the other wiggos, but come on!
0400 hours: LaHonda has been lazier than usual. Today, for instance, she ordered a smart basta (okay, not smart but he's good at math, maybe even better than me? *swallows pride*) to go up to the board and bassicaly teach the class for her. WTF
Really LaHanda? You suck that much? Now I don't know that exact reasoning for this:
Did she learn this tactics at one of her gay staff meetings? Is she a skank? Is she lazy and stressed out?
I think it is a combination of all three to create the ultimate arsiness experience.
Also, LaHonda doesn't know how to teach. She continually struggles to understand the material, which is quite pathetic: the math teacher not knowing how to do math... She always complains about how her life sucks: NEWS FLASH LAHONDA, ours sucks too!
0500 hours: It seems we've developed a trend of going to the library on Wednesdays for our research paper bull. It's a load of arse, but fun since we can actually talk.
A wiggo in there (the MIA) expresses his ignorance with arsiness. His unawaredness of every subject imaginable (and mispronunciation of the word 'strategic') makes me lol and get pissed at the same time.
0600 hours: This class is so bulling boring. We've been reviewing a ton of arse and writing facts + copying worksheets like crazy. She dishes out work like crazy, convincing me to boycott the majority.
Yarholar also spews out useless facts and tells us expired info, in an effort to make everyone a germ-phobic, hypochondriac, ignorant piece of trash like herself.
Relevant Question: SW, did she wear latex gloves to distribute papers when you were at monronez?
Assorted Rants
So hay's the thing: I feel emotionally drained (learned new phrase recently) from school. Every day is the same damn bull over and over and over again. Y'know the cardio workout thing I started a while back? Well, I recently stopped. Not because I don't have the willpower, but the lack of energy. I feel more and more tired as the days drag on. I feel like collapsing when I get home. Even if I get the proper amount of sleep, it doesn't seem to make a difference; the thoughts at the back of my mind are always stressing me, making me feel more tired.
I get a sour feeling when I get up in the mornings, knowing that all I have to look forward to is 7 hours of droning.
Teachers don't understand the bull us (mainstream) teenagers go through. They decided to bull us even more than usual by cramming a YEAR'S worth of teaching, in ONE BLOODY WEEK!!!!!! We should have have started reviewing for our state tests the moment we got back from spring break, instead of the very last second. Screw the bastards who decided to do this.
Morale: 0% (absolute zero)
Rant Time!
So morale has been dead for a while now. The repetitive schedule, asshole kids, and me bulling out like the bullout I am, has contributed to this massive loss of morale. I have now started to regret not doing anything else with my life (extracurricular, etc) that could distract me from the bastardliness of day to day life. But then again what could I do? Nothing at Monronez interests me at all. They are all quite gay, and besides, they are all filled with wiggos I don't know/like.
We were placed into groups in Melton's recently. I was with a quiet girl, a fat ass blond, and a jock.
Now hay's the thing about me: I don't talk much. At all really. But there many reasons for this:
1. I never sit by anyone I know/like. Pretty straight forward, thanks to assigned seats I have no control of who I can talk to. I also sit in dumb arse locations. I bet teachers use me as a "buffer" that separates loud mouthed idiots. Also, I am not like those bimbores who can communicate to fellow bimbores across the room, using some effed up sign/whispering language.
I always get caught if I talk. When I start talking I expect to engage in a legitimate discussion (see 4), not like the shallow fags who populate the school, so I end up talking a lot if I have a ton of bull to contribute to the convo which is almost always the case.
2. No one listens. They usually just look away or nod their heads slowly, looking at me with blank eyes.
3. They always wait to talk. They always interrupt me and they get impatient easily, as if they have something that they actually need to do in a hurry.
4. I cannot engage in a legitimate conversation in the first place. Um. Yeah, this happens A LOT.
5. I hate them. All of them. Even the revered MIA, who is actually kind of a male bimbo and a fag.
That about sums it up. I am the quiet, weird, smart, funny guy. Not too proud of this.
Now back to our story: the group.
Today the quiet girl was absent so it was just me, the bimbo and the jock.
Now the bimbore kind of pisses me off. She says stupid things all the time *in overly high pitched voice* "Um. Teacher! What does blind people see? Is it, like, clear, or is it not, um, like that?"
So yeah, that is just one example of her being a dumb arse.
So there were these black bitches from another group that (scientific term) tried to elicit a response from me today. One of the skanks waved at me and said "Hi ARTARDOUS!" I waved back to satisfy their voracious craving of arsiness.
Afterwords, they looked at me and started talking about me giggling and laughing all the while. I assume they were making fun of me for whatever reason because the were the gossiping/immature types. I died a little inside. Why do some people feel the need to annoy others just to feel happy? Now, I knew that they were kidding around, because they weren't mad or anything, but it still bothers me how they start talking about me like the sluts that they are.
They tried to say hi to me again but I ignored it; they stopped after this. However the ignoring tactic only worked because they were far away. If they were next to me I would have to confront them, which is what I would have done.
Okay, now to the part with my actual groups.
After class the stupid blond started asking me tons of questions in quick succession: "What did you do on the weekend?" "Did you go to the movies?" etc etc. I answered them the best I could.
WTF. She never talks to me and now that she does she suddenly starts pressuring me with a load of arse. After she finishes I taunt her by saying: "Oh, I thought you were going to continue interviewing me." She was like "whateva man."
Then when I look away she says to her gay jock friend "Oh wow, he's not friendly."
UNFRIENDLY!? Unfriendly is asking someone you barely know a ton of probing questions! Who the hell does that!
SW, please justify this if you can.
Note: I am not taking her seriously: this dumb whore gets in trouble constantly for talking (even though she's told to shut up many times) and or course there is the blind thing. *facepalm*
So yeah. Morale is low. I cannot concentrate on anything anymore. I am CONSTANTLY pressured by these asshole teachers: "The test is in a few days so you better study 6346 pages of work and write 2-3 pages a day per class!!!!!!" - Every fucking teacher except for Melton
Then there are the two research papers: what the hell. By the time all of this reviewing is done, the year will be over, and the papers will also be due! I have literally done NOTHING (except for the outline) and I doubt anyone else has either. I am wondering if any one will actually do it. If I don't it means my grade dropping by about 10-12 points which is bad, as you may have guessed. He will also grade it harsher (as if last time wasn't bully enough) than the last paper.
Summary: I hate my life.
SW, please share your thoughts on this post.
Morale: 0% (still dead)
I bueller'd on Friday. I lost one of the nose pads to my glasses. They would have shredded my poayer skin. It was twelve by the time it was fixed (had to drive) so I thought to take the rest of the day off. I needed a break. Unfortunately, due to my bewildered and demoralized state, I did nothing productive.
I am sick of all the dumb arses in Monronez. They act soo mature because they're 8th graders. Bullshit. I can't even begin to describe all of the crap that they spew out everyday, that I am forced to mentally ingest. I am almost afraid of catching their stupid.
Yarholar: "Um. So spell Cnidarian?"
Good speller: "C-N-I-"
Dumb bitch who opens her mouth without thinking: "NO NO! IT STARTS WITH A n, you idiot!"
Yarholar: "Um. No it doesn't..."
Dumb blond: "Isn't that in Seattle, California?"
Dumb Redhead: "Why is that quarter so small in the book? It's much bigger in real life."
Yarholar: "It's drawn to scale, dear."
Dumb Redhead: "Oh."
Me: stfu
Ignorant dumb ass blond whore: "Oh, I listen to all kinds of music! Yepp! All kinds. Except tock and roll and Mozart."
Yeah right. This whore probably only listens to a small portion of music. She thinks she is so fucking deep but she is as blind as any other asshole at monroney.
Me throughout the day: *mental facepalm*
So that is what it is like in a classroom: rude, obnoxious kids that shout and complain like 2 year olds. They instigate constantly, I've even heard someone say "Oh hold on, I'm going to try to start something."
Now I know that they are just kids and all, but wtf? I don't act like this. I am the only one who realizes this. No one else does and I know this because they don't even try to change the way they act. They all continue to be stupid and immature even thought they know the consequences it brings.
I truly wish I didn't have to hear all of they shit that they say. It takes a piece out of me when people talk behind others backs and about me. I, unfortunately, hear all of this. Others don't. They can somehow block out the mean things others say. But I can't. I hear EVERYTHING. I really envy the deaf for this reason. Ignorance truly is bliss.
In other news, I have begun to realize that I have a lot of repressed anger. It has built up the entire year, but only about a month or two ago, did I realize the physical and emotional damage it has caused. I've developed strange mannerisms: squeezing of fingers, pinching myself, scratching, etc. My thoughts become extremely negative and distorted. I can't think clearly, I can't see or hear clearly. My entire body constantly aches. I yearn for relief, to be free of the fucking hell hole that is monroney. I get too mad too easily. I would describe my anger as smoldering wood. It may appear to be put out, but a small spark will set it ablaze again.
I keep putting things off. "Oh, I'll have time for that once school it out." Why can't I do it now? Because I am constantly stressed out. I have stopped taking care of my self. I have more time than I think, yet I can't do anything different apart from my usual routine shit. I wander around like a zombie.
I am unsure of everything: I swallow my words, I just sit there when I should do something about it, I don't know what to do because I am so confused.
Physically, I am also being destroyed. My blood pressure has skyrocketed. I try to run but it is hard since I am so tired from being stressed, angry, and sad. I am constantly nervous and tense. I am fidgety and cold. Depressed all the time. Things that I thought were once fun and enjoyable are now boring. I have zero patience now.
I have nothing to believe in right now. I don't even know how summer will help. Sure, it means no school, but I will still trapped in the prison of my own mind.
SW, comment.
Morale: 0%
Hello CaptainSW! I have good news! For the first time in nearly 2 months my morale has increased to a substantial level! After grieving and being depressed during the weekend, I have decided I need to tackle the situation, one piece at a time. Few school days remain and fewer scenarios remain. If I can hold on long enough for evac, I will make it out of Monroney!
I give you...
The List O' Burdens
In order of approximate occurrence
1. English OCCT - ETA: 4/27/11
Um. I will totez beast this without any trouble at all.
Requirements: Brain, limited amount of sleep, zero review
2. Math OCCT - ETA: 5/4/11
This will be slightly bully, but LaHandear's constant reviewing should help. Plus, I have excellent mathematical reasoning.
Requirements: Brain, sleep, exercising (physically), review
3. Mickee D's Research Paper - ETA: 5/9/11
I've obtained 6 books over the Prohibition era. I have a solid plan and I've already started reading the bullaires. Research will continue non-stop for the next two weeks.
Requirements: Time, patience, brain, plan, researching skills
4. Math EOI - ETA: 5/11/11
Same as Math OCCT.
Requirements: See 'Math OCCT'
So that is all of the arse I have to bull with. Hopefully this week isn't as bully. And SW, you still owe me a bloody comment.
Fun Story: Remember Melton's research paper? Well, I totez forgot about it until now, the day before it's due. Total bullout. In my defense though, she never talked about it. Seriously, we went over it once, and that very briefly. Oh well, a 0 won't actually CARKASS my grade that much.
Morale: 63% (undying Woota spirit)
So its been two weeks. Lots of wiggerings during that time. I will just skip it and cover the important bits.
0100 hours: I've been working hard early in the morning and during 1st hour to finish my homework. I always finish just in the nick of time. Dumb Story: I achieved (for the 2nd or 3rd time this year) a gay-ass student of the month award.
0200 hours: The Tami is very bully. And I is still bored by her antics!
0300 hours: So Mickee is an assface. Um. He said he would be gone today, so I was like "YESSS!!!!! NO MICKEE!!!!!!" But I was later bulled since that fag forced us to day 4 worksheets (as busy work.) They were super arsy because they made made numbers like 15,446, 24,245, and 23,826 together w/o a calculator. Nightmarish I tell ya. I didn't have to suffer through this kind of futility since the 5th grade.
The Research paper is due on the 9th, which is Monday. I've started on it but its gonna take a lot of time to finish the bastard. If this is going to be that hard for me, imagine how hard it'll be for the other dumbasses? I am 10x smarter/mature than those assholes so I know they will fail. I can't wait until Monday so I can see my stupid peers get chewed out by the bastardly Mickee! :D
0400 hours: We've been taking ~25 question practice tests every bulling day for about a month. The revieing bull has continued non-stop since then. I think there is such a thing as too much review. I feel burnt out. But I will own this test. I promise. Albeit, others might not do so well. After taking our daily practice test, we go over every question individually. My question correctness ratio is about 1 : 25. Other wiggos bull out on nearly every question. They fail at early 7th grade stuff. And now 8th grade is nearly over. What a bunch of losers. I hope they all fail so they have to retake it. Why do these idiots get into Pre-AP? I do hope I don't see many of their faces again.
In other news, my grade has been skyrocketing. From my last three transcripts the trend has been 84 > 86 > 88. BEAST. More good news: If I pass/ace (the latter is more likely) the OCCT/EOI, my grade will go up a letter grade! Woo! I could evade this Bastardly B yet!
0500 hours: The research paper for Melton's has bulled out a lot. When it was supposed to be due, she said "Oh, it'll be due next week." I rushed and finished it all in a day because I forgot about it until the night before it was due. Fast forward Monday: "Oh, it'll be due on Tuesday".
Um. So I panicked all for nothing? I went back, revised it and turned it in on Tuesday.
I didn't have to, albeit. Melton disappeared for most of the period so I could have kept it. Also, I only saw 2 other wiggers turn it in so I assume everyone was taking their sweet time just like I did.
0600 hours: Yarholar is a fucking skank. So for the entire year I've had the same damn seat. I sit at the back of the classroom in a certain point I like to call the Artardous Void. Now, to avoid being called on by Yarholar you must meet certain requirements:
* Have a wierd/non-American name. I easily quialify for this one. Most of my teachers can barely pronounce my name, so they never call on me, even if I always raise my hand. I feel discriminated.
So Yarholar is one of these teachers.
* Sit in an fucked up location. I sit in this very spot.
* Have a strange personality. Me as well. Tags: Quiet, funny, ignored, "OMFG, DID HE ACTUALLY TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!", bulled-out, sleepy, etc.
Now to my point. This is my theory to why no one calls on me. Because of my name. I've looked into this for the better part of my school career (only now it has become more prevalent) so I am certain I am correct.
So pros to this: I can sleep right in front of Yarholar; she won't say anything, I don't have to pay attention, I don't have to do anything she says. Basically, I don't exist.
Cons: being ignored.
Yarholar only knows my name because I am going to get some shitty award at the end of the year. Screw that bitch.
Morale: 4% (morale may be lost; but the hope never diminishes)
I have just experienced one of the most demoralizing day of my career. And the fat-ass blond bimbore was responsible.
In 5th hour I was just sitting at the front of the class, bulling with bingo. Then the dumbass blond bimbore, for no reason, starts pushing me forward, trying to start something like the instigating bitch she is. The first time, I kindly tell her to stop. She doesn't comply. I scoot back and she bulls out. The battle continues on for a while when I lose it. I impulsively threw her bingo card on the ground. A huge commotion starts and she demands that I pick it up. I refuse while the whole class and Melton bullaire at each other. People start saying I had anger issues and that I was a terrorist. Melton tells her to stop being a bitch and stop bullairing my desk. But she continued. Melton made no effort to enforce the law at this point.
At this point I was out of options.
I couldn't sock her in the face like she rightfully deserved. She was a girl and besides, I'd literally get arrested. Telling her to stop did nothing. I cannot hold her back from pushing me; she weighs about 500 pounds while I weigh a modest 120. And bitch Melton took no initiative to the situation.
Afterwords, I stayed there, literally shaking in rage. I hate how powerless I am. In school, I have no choice or say in anything I do. I have to sit there and tolerate this bullshit. No one can help me and I can't do anything. I can't even help myself.
I just might develop anger issues.
Morale: 0% (re-dead-ified)
I was coudn't sleep last night. I lay there contemplating on whether or not to go to school. I was tired as a bastard, I could barely keep my eyes open. This week's testing was over. And there was nothing special or important about Friday. There was no reason to go to school today. Also, if i didn't go, I would my miss my third Friday in a row, keeping the winning streak alive! But no. I, for some reason, decided to drag my arse out of bed and get ready. I regret doing that, since I would later realize that laying in bed all day would be more productive than going to school.
The day went by like usual, being bored in my electives, listening to McDonald rant and take more practice tests in LaHonda's. During 5th hour and onwards, until the day was over, we would go to some gay-ass 8th grade party. "Because of all of our hard work during testing!" - Reynolds
Reynolds, spare me. School could have been 2 weeks long, filled with the amount of reviewing we are doing now, and we would have gotten the same result. The tests are EASY, loaded with 6-7 grade arse. A bloody waste of time if you ask me.
So yeah. After lunch we had the option to get in a line and get cake. Cake. Wow. I would have, but there was a damned long line in my way. I said bull this and moved on. We we probably won't get that much cake anyways.
I was right. I noticed that other wiggos only received a sad sliver of cake. Not the hearty slice those fatties were hoping for. That's the school trying to be cool, but failing miserably due to their bastardlyness.
Then in 5th hour we went in the gym and bulled around there. We could bull with basketball, volleyball, or pingpong. They were also playing Diary of a Wimpy Kid in the mat room but no one watched it, possibly because it appeals to 8 year olds?So I didn't plan what I would do, nor did I sign up, so I just bullaired in the bleachers. I would look at other bastards play and walked around, but I mostly bored and just sat there. My so-called friends loyally abandoned me to fend for myself. I could have chased them around, but what's the use?
I don't like any of them anyway. Not even the loyal MIA. I've recently tried to have a decent back-and-forth argument (an argument in which the contenders exchange vicious blows until the other submits. These are not personal attacks and they are purely done for the amusement of both parties) with him and all he did was give me arse answers. He never answered anything and he took everything literally. He responds with a smug nod and he genuinely shows how stupid he is by giving me narrow-minded responses. He always finds a way to justify his stupid logic. To sum up, he is a pretentious idiot. And yes, I am giving him a chance but he continues to be an asshole, an Anti-Wootist if you will. I was going to help him with Mickee's research paper, but I would rather watch him crash and burn. Sadistic, I know, but that's not the only reason why he and his friends are a bunch of douches. I will leave that as my example and move on.
So after I while of following faggots, I sit down and I wait it out. You didn't need to sign up for the volleyball thing but I decided not to: I was sore and tired as arse from yesterday. I remained boyard when I resumed the futile chase. I also signed several year books, but I pity the bastards who bought them. 40 bucks is a freaking ripoff. I know it's printed on "high-quality arse" and that it is "colorful" and crap but what the bull!? I estimate that 2 out of 5 bastards had one. K. So. Let's talk! Logistics!
There were at least 20 people up in the line to buy year books at any given time, each bastard dishing out 40 bucks a pop. 20x40. $800 was there initial profit. HOLY BULL! In one wave of dummies, Moronez can rake in more than enough money to pay for all of the snacks and equipment they provided. And that was just the initial swarm of bastards. They were selling this bull for about an hour. Monronez could have netted in more than 2 grand! These Monroney bastards sure know how to play these suckers! The leader of the yearbook monopoly being Tami, the infamous bastard.
So at the end of the day what do you have to say? I have friends. But they all suck.
Morale: 78% (Pawptrawpica Boost)
Middle school is now over. The Hell that came with it, likewise. An understatement to say the least.
But I am now free. Words cannot describe my (endeared) emotions.
Goodbye Captain, MuckTodd and all the others.
[End of Transmission]